Welcome to InfraVision, a platform for all infrastructure stakeholders.

Collaboration is key to position the asset class as a building block of the society of tomorrow.


We believe a strong collaboration among infrastructure stakeholders is vital for creating a sustainable society.

Over the past four years, Vauban Infrastructure Partners has collaborated with the academic-driven consultancy firm Altermind to enhance its ‘thought leadership’ strategy and produce a series of reports. These reports were accompanied by several workshops with the participation of leading infrastructure stakeholders including asset operators, investors, experts, start-ups, policymakers, and others. InfraVision aims to extend the reach of our research & discussions to a wider audience, to build strong positions on forward-looking and hot topics related to infrastructure.

A dynamic platform for research, dialogue and innovation.

At its core, InfraVision rests on two pillars: thought leadership and knowledge sharing. It will focus on anticipating future infrastructure needs by analyzing the impact of the biggest changes in the world economy, such as demographic shifts, technological advancements, and environmental and social challenges, with the support of the whole infrastructure ecosystem.


Infravision’s DNA relies on knowledge sharing and thought leadership in sustainable infrastructure-related matters.


InfraVision aims to position the infrastructure asset class as a block of the society of tomorrow


The platform is open to all the infrastructure sector stakeholders


InfraVision operates as an international organization based in Paris.

Strategic committee

Eminent public figures and experts

They will chart the course of InfraVision’s roadmap over the next three years.

2024 annual topic: Inclusive infrastructure

InfraVision’s work will revolve around one infrastructure-related theme each year.

In 2024, the Think Tank will investigate the multifaceted relationship between inequalities and the development of infrastructure and discuss strategies to evolve towards more ‘inclusive infrastructure’. The research will address questions such as :

Why can building more inclusive infrastructure help address the short -and long- term challenges of our time beyond social disparities, including decarbonization and economic growth?

What are the main barriers to access essential infrastructure, and how does the public perceive them?

What policy recommendations linked to urban planning and governance can help build more inclusive cities?

To what extent can business, regulatory and investment strategies help tackle the risk of accumulating inequalities and the vicious circle they foster in terms of infrastructure access ?

Paris Infraweek the 4th of November 2024

We will be organizing a series of workshops to gather information on inclusive infrastructures.

These workshops will take the form of masterclasses, panels, and podcasts that will bring together high-level experts, infrastructure operators, investors, NGO representatives, public figures, start-ups and more. These workshops will contribute to the creation of a long-form report, which will be presented during InfraVision’s annual conference during Paris InfraWeek in November 2024.





2024 Kickoff Workshop: Inclusive Infrastructure Masterclass

Watch the replay of our first workshop




An online Masterclass by leading academic experts on the concept of ‘inclusive infrastructure’.


Laszlo Andor
Former European Commissioner for Labor, Inclusion and Social Rights

Zoi Christoforou
Associate Professor at the University of Patras in Greece, Senior Lecturer at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and responsible for transport modules at the Ecole Polytechnique

Sadie Morgan
English designer, founder of dRMM, chair of the Independent Design Panel for High Speed Two (HS2) and a board member of both the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) UK and the Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission


Leveraging on Vauban Infrastructure Partners & Altermind’s last four years of research


Circular Infrastructure

Explore the impact of the circular economy revolution on the infrastructure sector.

Social License to Operate

The principle of the “Social License to Operate” (SLO), or the understood social contract to operate.

Infrastructure For Climate

A thorough reflection about climate strategies for infrastructure.

The Era of Digital Infrastructure

The impact of the digital transition on infrastructures in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis.

Videos and interviews

In 2023 three workshops were shared though videos by Vauban Infrastructure Partners on « Circular Infrastructure ».

>> Introduction to Circular Economy & Infrastructure

>> Breakfast Panel Circular Economy Regulation

>> Innovmorning on Circular Infrastructure


In 2023 three podcasts were featured by Vauban Infrastructure Partners on « Circular Infrastructure ».

>> Focus on Road Sector

>> Focus on Telco Sector

>> Focus on the City of Tomorrow

InfraVision in the Press

InfraVision was launched the 19th of March 2024. Vauban Infrastructure Partners’ open research has been previously shared in the press.

Membership program

For greater access or to participate in InfraVision’s research

InfraVision is open to all stakeholders of the infrastructure sector, corporates or individuals aiming to position the asset class as a building block of the society of tomorrow.


Be part of the community


Get access to extended researches or workshops


Be invited to special events

Contact us

For any information please use the form or drop us an email.

